Friday 19 March 2010

Another Wander

I did another #wander with my camera.

I'm not particularly happy with these pics - not just because the light wasn't great - but because I felt far too self-conscious taking, and tweeting them. My first wander had been a spontaneous walk, born out of a need to clear my head. It just happened to to take me past all my favourite places in Nottingham.

Today was different. I'd sort of promised myself and others that I would repeat the relative success of the first one. Big problem: I'd already visited all my favourite, photogenic places.

Last week I started a wander, but cancelled it, citing poor weather and unreliable Twitter. They were both true. but my heart wasn't really in it - I didn't feel confident jumping up and down on Twitter, shouting "look at me, look at the pictures what I took!" when I didn't really have anything good to photograph. I was cross with myself all week.

So I made myself go out today. I took a similar route to last time, but focused differently - and there were lots of interesting things to see. I could do that route again tomorrow and still find 10 great things to show you. In fact, I really need to stop being so fucking precious about it really.

Finally, the #wander hashtag isn't just for me. Go out, go for a walk and take pictures - and tweet them. There is so much to see and share.

A very, very old doorway A 250 year old spelling mistake Robin Hood - Terrorist or hero image image image image image image image image The wrong lion

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