Tuesday, 29 June 2010

An 'Elite' wander

Another sunny day, another impromptu #wander.

I thought I'd start with the Elite cinema on Upper Parliament Street. Stunning and white on a nice day, it is no longer a cinema, but a collection of shops and a nightclub. It was designed by Adamson & Kinns and opened in 1921, and some of the statuary is fantastic.

As I walked away, I noticed an alleyway. Somehow, I've never noticed it before, so I thought it was worth investigating.

Yak! I won't walk down there again. Here's where it opens out....

Round the corner, on Lower Parliament stands this increasingly sad building, I haven't been about to find out any details about it though.

Some nice details though...

...and an unfortunate roof 'garden'.

(Update: According to the Nottingham Civic Society, this was built in 1896 for Furley's, the provisions merchants. The architect was.... yes, you guessed it, Watson Fothergill.)

This is 22 Fletcher Gate. I can't find any information about it either, except that it is marked "Boden & Co' above the door...and looks fantastic when the sun comes out.

(Update: According to the North East Midland Photographic Record, "this building was once the Splendour Lingerie factory, The Splendour Music Hall, and Boden's Warehouse.")

I hope you enjoyed another of my 'scouting' style wanders. I've found loads of interesting buildings in Nottingham, so I will try to do a lot more posts like this. Any suggestions for Nottingham landmarks etc to include will be very welcome.


Tuesday, 22 June 2010

A 'scouting' wander

I'm sure you're aware that I'm partial to the odd #wander. Well, after stumbling across the Scouting NY blog (www.scoutingny.com) I was rather taken with his style - often finding one building and really looking at it.

So, I thought I'd have a go... so here are a couple of my current favourite buildings.

This is a Watson Fothergill building on Thurland Street. It was built for the Nottingham & Nottinghamshire Bank between 1877 and 1882.

It has been suggested that he had an almost limitless budget... and you can see why.

The shots are of Broadway in the Lace Market. You've seen it before on this blog, but I've never taken any decent shots before.

Built in the middle of the 19th Century, this street once house lace making offices, showrooms and warehouses.

Lastly, this building sits on the corner of High Street and Pelham Street and was designed by Nottingham architect Albert Nelson Bromley and built 1903-1904. It was a Boots flagship store.

This was also my first test of the 'Blogo' blog editing software. I hope this looks better than my usual postings.