Friday 9 April 2010

A Nice Day Wander

It was Friday, and it was a nice day. I'd have to be some sort of animal not to do a #wander.

I started, as always, in the Lace Market. I wanted to take a picture of an interesting looking building on St Mary's Gate - but there were smokers outside, so I walked on.

This building, on a terrace opposite the Galleries of Justice is odd, like it is being viewed out of context. The gap at ground level conceals stairs which go down to an unremarkable door.

On to the Nottingham Contemporary - a modern art museum/gallery that is almost impossible to photograph in all it's green-and-gold design-by-committee goodness.

This place is a restaurant - at the moment, but what a beautiful ornate building. Not sure of its history though.

Towards Nottingham Castle there is a little Georgian street. The houses are very old, very beautiful, and shamefully neglected.

This doorway, near the castle seems to be orphaned from the buildings around it. The consensus of opinion suggests that this is either the back door to Narnia, or opens upon a squalid estate agent's office.

The Flying Horse Hotel claims to be 15th Century, but is widely felt to be much later. It is quaint, and layered by time...and was completely gutted in the 80's - only the shell retains any character - the interior is just a bland shopping mall. A shame, perhaps.

Perhaps one of

Nottingham's best hidden secrets, the arcade under the town hall is grand, cool and a little bit posh.

I always feel like an oik when I walk through it. It is pretty though.

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