Wednesday, 4 August 2010

Alleyway wander

I have long been intrigued by the half-hidden alleyways and courtyards that can be found around the city...

A courtyard off Stoney Street.

A loading bay on St Mary's Gate.

An alleyway on St Mary's Gate.

A ginnel (or snicket) on High Pavement.

A courtyard entrance at Weekday Cross.

Defunct light engineering, Middle Hill.

Former garage, beneath railway arches at Middle Hill.

Wasteland, Middle Hill.

Alley by the courts.

Courtyard off Carrington Street.

Norfolk Place, off Market Square.

Cobden Chambers, Pelham Street.

That is all.

If you know of any other good alleyways or yards etc in Nottingham, please let me know.

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